General Infertility
Acne Insomnia
Abdominal Pain Intercostal pain
Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Anemia/Iron Deficiency Kidney Stones
Ankle Pain Knee Injury
Anxiety Knee Pain
Arthritis Leg Pain
Arm Pain Meniere's Symptom
Asthma Menopausal Symptoms
Auto Injuries Menstruation Disorder
Back Pain Mouth Sores*
Bells Palsy Migraine
Bronchitis Multiple Symptoms
Cancer Support Nausea & Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neck Pain
Catch Cold Neuropathy
Cerebral Palsy Osteoarthritis
Chronic Cough Pancreatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pediatric Diseases
Cirrhosis Psoriasis
Colitis Piriformis
Concentration Problems Quit Smoking
Dental Raynauds Syndrome
Depression Restless leg Syndrome
Diarrhea RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
Earache Sciatica Pain
Eczema Shingles
Elbow pain Shoulder Pain
Eye Disease Sinusitis
Fatigue Skin Disease
Fatty Liver Spinal Scoliosis
Fibromyalgia Spinal Stenosis
Foot Pain Stomach Pain
Gallbladder Disorder Stress
Genital Herpes Stroke
Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Stroke Induced Sequela
Tennis Elbow
Graves Disease Thigh Pain
Groin Pain Thoracic outlet syndrome
Hand Pain Tourett's Syndrome
Headache Tietze's Disease
Hernia Pain Tinnitus
Herpes TMJ
Hip Pain Trigger Finger
Hypertension Vertigo
Hyperthyroid Visual Problems
Hypothyroid Women's Disease
  Work Injuries
  Wrist Pain


Acupuncture For Fertility-proven Effective!
In Western cultures Acupuncture is very popular it is a way to treat a number of conditions, starting with painful periods, sleeplessness, and chronic pain to allergies. However, there is a chance you may not know that acupuncture is Chinese medicine treatments for infertility- for both men and women.

Is This A New Use For Acupuncture? Actually no, it isn't. Acupuncture has been in existence for over four thousand years and acupuncture and fertility have gone hand in hand for a long time - hundreds of years, in fact. Many couples who have had trouble conceiving using traditional methods have resorted to acupuncture and fallen pregnant some time afterwards.

Many doctors are skeptical of acupuncture and fertility treatments provided by those same doctors are usually exhausted before someone seeks the advice of an acupuncturist. It's often used as a last resort - but it's a last resort that has frequently worked. So Does Acupuncture Actually Make You More Fertile and increase your chances of a successful IVF? Well, current research is showing a 67% increase in the success of IVF when used with acupuncture, and it will help you achieve an optimum state of health and wellbeing. Most conventional doctors would agree that increasing your overall health is advisable to give you and your partner the best chance of conceiving.

Despite some intense study by traditional doctors, we do not completely understand the relationship between needles and fertility, but there are some theories. The most prevalent is that acupuncture is known to reduce stress levels. Tremendous physical changes can be observed after just one time under the needles. Such relaxation of the body can aid pregnancy issues.

So will Acupuncture resolve all Fertility Issues? Not completely. No treatment will work for everyone, but acupuncture for fertility treatments have certainly led many people towards the happy family unit they've wanted for so long. The whole belief behind acupuncture is that the body is full of energy - called chi - which causes problems if it does not flow correctly. The acupuncturist finds those points which are causing stress and disharmony and treats them with the needles to restore the body's natural balance.

This in turn regulates all the body's functions - including those which should be in tip top condition to be able to conceive a child. Many women decide to have acupuncture treatments as well as conventional fertility treatments, to help their body in the best way they can. There is no definitive proof that acupuncture works as a solution for infertility, but there are thousands of women who have had acupuncture for fertility and then managed to conceive after months - even years - of trying.

In Western cultures Acupuncture is very popular as a way to treat a number of conditions, starting with painful periods, sleeplessness, and chronic pain to allergies. However, there is a chance you may not know that acupuncture is Chinese medicine treatments for infertility- for both men and women. Studies have shown a two-thirds increase in the effectiveness of IVF if used together with acupuncture to assist you in reaching a state of maximal health. There is some sort of uncertainty about the acupuncture treatment for infertility but this acupuncture for fertility treatments have certainly proved to be effective and has led many people towards the happy family life.

Acupuncture For Fertility
Acupuncture is a form of physical medicine that originated in China over 4000 years ago. It uses very thin, sterile needles, inserted into specific points on the body, to manipulate and balance the flow of energy through the body. Acupuncture for Fertility can boost your fertility and increase your chances of success when you are trying to conceive.

How does it work?
Oriental medicine has enhanced fertility for thousands of years by balancing the flow of energy through the body. Achieving and maintaining balance is the goal of life. When we are in balance, our bodies function optimally: our organs function well, our sleep is restful, we are resistant to disease, we recover easily from injury, and our reproductive capacity is functional. For a variety of reasons this balance can become disturbed.
Imbalance gives rise to symptoms, including infertility. Acupuncture aims to correct any imbalance, eliminating any and all symptoms that the imbalance caused. Recent studies suggest that acupuncture may increase conception rates. Acupuncturist Chung-Tao is a highly skilled, licensed professionals who go through a fertility-specific training process, making them one of the true specialists in the field.

Does it hurt?
It is unfortunate that the needles used in acupuncture share the same name as the needles that we all have experienced during blood draws and injections; because the experience is very different. No one likes needles, because all the needles we have ever experienced hurt. The needles used in acupuncture are much thinner than the needles used for injections or blood draws. In fact, they are only slightly thicker than a strand of hair. Most times, patients do not even feel the needles being inserted. You may feel a little "pinch" as the needle breaks the skin, but that pain usually only lasts one to two seconds. Once the needles are in place, no pain is felt and patients usually enter a state of deep relaxation.

How can acupuncture help with fertility?
Acupuncture can help with all stages in the fertility journey from conception to delivery.
For couples who are trying naturally, acupuncture can help:
" Regulate the menses - this enables a couple to better predict ovulation, and it ensures that the woman ovulates at the optimal time.
" Increase the blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the endometrial lining - this allows for a more hospitable environment for implantation.
" Improve the sperm count, sperm motility, and the percentage of sperm that are normal within a given ejaculate.
" Help relieve stress - A study done at the University of California in San Diego showed that high levels of stress can impair a woman's fertility by as much as 93%
If you are going through ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IUI, IVF, donor egg, etc), acupuncture can also help:
" Regulate the hormones (eg: elevated FSH level).
" Increase the ovarian response and ovarian function to increase the number of follicles and quality of eggs produced.
" Reduce the side effects of hormone treatments.
" Increase and strengthen the immune system.
" Improve the success rate of IVF - a study done in Germany showed that the addition of two acupuncture treatments increased the success rate of IVF from 26% to 43%. (This was done with two, standardized treatments; done on the day of transfer. Some experts assert that a more thorough course of customized treatments could increase the chances of success by up to 60%).
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.
Once a woman is pregnant, acupuncture can help:
" Relieve morning sickness.
" Alleviate back pain.
" Prevent miscarriage.
" Provide anesthesia during delivery.
" Help with post-partum pain and depression.
" Regulate lactation.
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.

Individualized Approach
Your treatment recommendation is based on a variety of circumstances including fertility testing results, age, medical history, previous fertility treatment and personal preferences. With this many variables, it becomes clear why each treatment plan is customized and you can see why it truly becomes impossible to compare one person's progress with another, even though on the surface, their diagnoses may be similar. For example, a couple where the woman is 30 years old with irregular cycles has a good chance of conceiving with ovulation induction and IUI so there would be no initial need for IVF. On the other hand, if the woman is 40 and experiencing irregular cycles that couple may move to IVF immediately because lower tech options would not likely achieve pregnancy in a timely way. The goal for us is to offer you the best chance of pregnancy while balancing the ability to offer the least expensive, least invasive treatment possible.

oman's fertility by as much as 93%
If you are going through ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IUI, IVF, donor egg, etc), acupuncture can also help:
" Regulate the hormones (eg: elevated FSH level).
" Increase the ovarian response and ovarian function to increase the number of follicles and quality of eggs produced.
" Reduce the side effects of hormone treatments.
" Increase and strengthen the immune system.
" Improve the success rate of IVF - a study done in Germany showed that the addition of two acupuncture treatments increased the success rate of IVF from 26% to 43%. (This was done with two, standardized treatments; done on the day of transfer. Some experts assert that a more thorough course of customized treatments could increase the chances of success by up to 60%).
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.

Once a woman is pregnant, acupuncture can help:
" Relieve morning sickness.
" Alleviate back pain.
" Prevent miscarriage.
" Provide anesthesia during delivery.
" Help with post-partum pain and depression.
" Regulate lactation.
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.

Individualized Approach
Your treatment recommendation is based on a variety of circumstances including fertility testing results, age, medical history, previous fertility treatment and personal preferences. With this many variables, it becomes clear why each treatment plan is customized and you can see why it truly becomes impossible to compare one person's progress with another, even though on the surface, their diagnoses may be similar. For example, a couple where the woman is 30 years old with irregular cycles has a good chance of conceiving with ovulation induction and IUI so there would be no initial need for IVF. On the other hand, if the woman is 40 and experiencing irregular cycles that couple may move to IVF immediately because lower tech options would not likely achieve pregnancy in a timely way. The goal for us is to offer you the best chance of pregnancy while balancing the ability to offer the least expensive, least invasive treatment possible.

If you are going through ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IUI, IVF, donor egg, etc), acupuncture can also help:
" Regulate the hormones (eg: elevated FSH level).
" Increase the ovarian response and ovarian function to increase the number of follicles and quality of eggs produced.
" Reduce the side effects of hormone treatments.
" Increase and strengthen the immune system.
" Improve the success rate of IVF - a study done in Germany showed that the addition of two acupuncture treatments increased the success rate of IVF from 26% to 43%. (This was done with two, standardized treatments; done on the day of transfer. Some experts assert that a more thorough course of customized treatments could increase the chances of success by up to 60%).
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.
Once a woman is pregnant, acupuncture can help:
" Relieve morning sickness.
" Alleviate back pain.
" Prevent miscarriage.
" Provide anesthesia during delivery.
" Help with post-partum pain and depression.
" Regulate lactation.
" Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth.

Individualized Approach
Your treatment recommendation is based on a variety of circumstances including fertility testing results, age, medical history, previous fertility treatment and personal preferences. With this many variables, it becomes clear why each treatment plan is customized and you can see why it truly becomes impossible to compare one person's progress with another, even though on the surface, their diagnoses may be similar. For example, a couple where the woman is 30 years old with irregular cycles has a good chance of conceiving with ovulation induction and IUI so there would be no initial need for IVF. On the other hand, if the woman is 40 and experiencing irregular cycles that couple may move to IVF immediately because lower tech options would not likely achieve pregnancy in a timely way. The goal for us is to offer you the best chance of pregnancy while balancing the ability to offer the least expensive, least invasive treatment possible.

Mrs. Cohen

"As a Doctor of Pharmacist, I came to Tao seeking treatment to regulate my menstrual cycle and for hormonal balance. My periods were irregular, my acne sometimes broke out, and I was open to conceiving but unsuccessful for 4 years. After only 3 visits, I realized I was pregnant! Now I have a beautiful baby girl and seek acupuncture for my current situation-the stress and low immunity secondary to lack of sleep which got improved also."

Main Office:
Tao's Acupuncture & Herbs Center
Chung-Hu Tao, L.AC. & L.OM.
Tel. & Fax. 610-770-6201
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite #110A,
Allentown, PA 18103

E-mail address:

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