General Infertility
Acne Insomnia
Abdominal Pain Intercostal pain
Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Anemia/Iron Deficiency Kidney Stones
Ankle Pain Knee Injury
Anxiety Knee Pain
Arthritis Leg Pain
Arm Pain Meniere's Symptom
Asthma Menopausal Symptoms
Auto Injuries Menstruation Disorder
Back Pain Mouth Sores*
Bells Palsy Migraine
Bronchitis Multiple Symptoms
Cancer Support Nausea & Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neck Pain
Catch Cold Neuropathy
Cerebral Palsy Osteoarthritis
Chronic Cough Pancreatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pediatric Diseases
Cirrhosis Psoriasis
Colitis Piriformis
Concentration Problems Quit Smoking
Dental Raynauds Syndrome
Depression Restless leg Syndrome
Diarrhea RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
Earache Sciatica Pain
Eczema Shingles
Elbow pain Shoulder Pain
Eye Disease Sinusitis
Fatigue Skin Disease
Fatty Liver Spinal Scoliosis
Fibromyalgia Spinal Stenosis
Foot Pain Stomach Pain
Gallbladder Disorder Stress
Genital Herpes Stroke
Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Stroke Induced Sequela
Tennis Elbow
Graves Disease Thigh Pain
Groin Pain Thoracic outlet syndrome
Hand Pain Tourett's Syndrome
Headache Tietze's Disease
Hernia Pain Tinnitus
Herpes TMJ
Hip Pain Trigger Finger
Hypertension Vertigo
Hyperthyroid Visual Problems
Hypothyroid Women's Disease
  Work Injuries
  Wrist Pain

Knee Injury

"I blew both my knees out on a long walk over rough terrain. I had to call my wife to pick me up because I couldn't walk home nor could I stand up. Dr. Tao treated my wife's knees and she had very good results. That is why we went with Dr. Tao.
I couldn't walk in the house from the sofa or bed to the bathroom without holding onto furniture, walls or my wife holding me up. If my wife wasn't around, I had to try to crawl on my hands and knees to get to the bathroom. My wife helped me get to Dr. Tao by leaning on her and walls or anything else nearby.
Dr. Tao treated me with acupuncture and after the first treatment, I was able to walk out of the office on my own. It was very slowly but still a remarkable improvement. I didn't need any assistance. I kept going back per his request to continue the treatment so it would continue to improve. He also gave me herbs and patches for pain and inflammation. I missed a full week of work due to this injury. I also never take any sick time from work.
Dr. Tao helped me tremendously get back on my feet in a short amount of time."
~John V. Nowotarski, Jr.


Main Office:
Tao's Acupuncture & Herbs Center
Chung-Hu Tao, L.AC. & L.OM.
Tel. & Fax. 610-770-6201
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite #110A,
Allentown, PA 18103

E-mail address:

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