General Infertility
Acne Insomnia
Abdominal Pain Intercostal pain
Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Anemia/Iron Deficiency Kidney Stones
Ankle Pain Knee Injury
Anxiety Knee Pain
Arthritis Leg Pain
Arm Pain Meniere's Symptom
Asthma Menopausal Symptoms
Auto Injuries Menstruation Disorder
Back Pain Mouth Sores*
Bells Palsy Migraine
Bronchitis Multiple Symptoms
Cancer Support Nausea & Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neck Pain
Catch Cold Neuropathy
Cerebral Palsy Osteoarthritis
Chronic Cough Pancreatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pediatric Diseases
Cirrhosis Psoriasis
Colitis Piriformis
Concentration Problems Quit Smoking
Dental Raynauds Syndrome
Depression Restless leg Syndrome
Diarrhea RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
Earache Sciatica Pain
Eczema Shingles
Elbow pain Shoulder Pain
Eye Disease Sinusitis
Fatigue Skin Disease
Fatty Liver Spinal Scoliosis
Fibromyalgia Spinal Stenosis
Foot Pain Stomach Pain
Gallbladder Disorder Stress
Genital Herpes Stroke
Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Stroke Induced Sequela
Tennis Elbow
Graves Disease Thigh Pain
Groin Pain Thoracic outlet syndrome
Hand Pain Tourett's Syndrome
Headache Tietze's Disease
Hernia Pain Tinnitus
Herpes TMJ
Hip Pain Trigger Finger
Hypertension Vertigo
Hyperthyroid Visual Problems
Hypothyroid Women's Disease
  Work Injuries
  Wrist Pain


"I am a 31 year old man, has had psoriasis since age 6. I had been treated by two dermatologists in Colorado, however, not too much help. I had red, thick, psoriatic patches, widely spread in my chest, abdomen, thighs and legs, forearms and back. The patches has thick flakes, redness, itching, sometimes bleeding. Up to my age of 21, I developed into the psoriatic arthritis with spontaneous fusing in several of my cervical vertebrae which caused my neck stiffness and limited my neck's range of motion plus pain allover in my body. In addition to my oral medication, I have to receive Methotrexate .7 ml, once a week by injections since early 1998 and have blood test did about every three months. After receiving 12 visits acupuncture treatments with Chinese herbal medicine, my pain medicine Darvocet N-100 has reduced gradually and the people around me including my sister and coworkers feel I am walking better. Particularly my psoriatic patches on my abdomen and chest went away mostly. The redness, itching and
pain in other places also decreased a lot. I do have the confident in Dr. Tao's treatment and hope other patients could try alternative medicine too. It's not only effective but also no side effects and my energy feel better
~Douglas Brewka

am a 70 year old female who suffered from arthritis and spurs in my neck for several years. The pain intensified after suffering whiplash from a car accident. I have visited chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, general practitioners, neurologists, ENT specialists, and also have had 3 MRI's, and I was told one of my choices was surgery. I went to Dr. Tao and had relief from pain and dizziness after my first treatment."
-Marie Hook

"I am a 70 year old man with a history of painful arthritis in my both hands. After 6 acupuncture sessions my right hand has undergone remission. Then my left hand came out the same but more seriously, very pain and burning under my thumb, index and middle fingers which called metacarpals in about one year later, however, after Dr. Tao treated me again in about 12 acupuncture sesstions with the Chinese herbal plaster for external using and oral taken patents herbs for arthritis, the pain and burning in my left hand had gone mostly. I tried hand specialist under medication with injection not help but Dr. Tao's treatment is different, I could use my hands again, thanks."
~Donald Frederick

" I am a 59 year old RN with history of asthma since age 38. At the time, I also developed bronchitis and started wheezing even when I stopped smoking. I was treated by my family Doctor by hyposensitization injections for one year and other allergy specialist one by one. However, nothing really works on me which include three times removed nasal polyps and high dosage steroid medicine of both oral intake and nasal inhaler. I even tried acupuncture with herbal treatment through a Lehigh Valley clinic over a year with little help in my sinus congestion and digestion but not help for my asthma/wheezing condition. Through my friend's highly recommended, I decided switch to Tao's clinic to give him a try. To my surprised, only third visit, it already much decreased my breakthrough asthma, my sinus better, my arthritis pain in my hand better and I now used to take Dr. Tao's prescribed herbal mixture's tea instad of those toxin medicine, particular after I gradually reduced the steroid medicine, I feel I become more healthy, my energy feel better, my breathing better, I even not use steroid inhaler any more, my face looks more brighter, everybody what I know all feel me different. I am very pleased to find a miracle Doctor like Dr. Tao did- so quick, so effective." ~Kemper Mahon  


Main Office:
Tao's Acupuncture & Herbs Center
Chung-Hu Tao, L.AC. & L.OM.
Tel. & Fax. 610-770-6201
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite #110A,
Allentown, PA 18103

E-mail address:

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